A group of Spanish tourists who were traveling in Albania has been attacked by the owner of a restaurant after complaining about the service and the food.

The owner of the premises tried to open the car door while they left and, after failing, he pounced on the vehicle and smashed the windshield . The incident took place last week on the outskirts of the Panorama restaurant, located in the Himarë region .

Apparently, they are not the first customers who have complained about the food and service, and the restaurant has several bad reviews on websites like TripAdvisor. Among the comments you can find warnings to avoid the premises and several anecdotes of aggressions against the clients committed by the owner. "It is a threat to the welfare of his family," says a user who remembers how the owner " came out screaming and kicked my mother ."

In the recording, published on Twitter by the journalist Vincent Triest , you can hear the screams of tourists and their companions, who tried to convince the attacker to calm down. The video quickly went viral and generated such a media stir that Albania's tourism minister , Blendi Klosi , met with the group of tourists to offer them an apology.

"The authorities acted immediately and the person was arrested, " said the minister and added that "if we want to be a true European tourist destination, we must serve tourists better." For his part, he also said that he held a meeting with the Spaniards in which he tried to repair the impression of his country: " They leave Albania with the best feeling and the most important thing is that they intend to return."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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