
Your winter wind was cold and I was bored. Today (5th) 8 o'clock news will tell from accident news which happened so cold last night. Last night, near the Baekseok Station in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, suddenly the pipe that had been buried under the ground was suddenly burst. One person was killed and nearly 40 people were burned as the water column of 100 degrees Celsius sprang up over the cars and people. Citizens trapped in foggy vapors were frightened, and apartment residents who had lost their heating had to fight the cold.

First is Jung Dong-yeon.


Suddenly there is water on the quiet road, and the water vapor covers the whole area.

After a while, the water column rises like a lava, and it makes it into the water without making a car.

[what. Oh, this is ... What's up!]

It is dense with water vapor so you can see only the front car.

[It's really scary. How much water does it do?]

Somewhere on the way, a woman's screams seem to ask for help.

[Here you go! Here you go! Here you go… .]

A 2.5 meter deep water pipe exploded and water flowed to nearby roads and malls, and one road in the accident site undergoing repair work is still under control.

At around 8:40 pm yesterday evening, the underground heat pipe was blown off the road near Baekseok Station in Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province.

One driver was killed in this accident and 39 passengers got burned in big and small.

About 2,800 households near Baekseok Station, where hot water supply was cut off all night, had to fall into the cold in the first cold of winter this winter.

The Korea District Heating Corporation said yesterday that the temperature has risen sharply due to the lowered temperature.

However, it is pointed out that the accidental heat pipe was buried 27 years ago and there was no concrete structure to protect the pipe.

The company said it was not aged because it is a facility that can be used for about 40 years.

(Image coverage: Bae Mun-san, Shin Dong-hwan, Image editing: Jun-Hee Kim, Image provided by Moon Jae-yong)