
Another current local governor who has been under investigation for prosecution. Seongnam mayor of Ahn Su - mi was also in court. There was suspicion that a businessman from a gangster received support from a driver and a car, but the prosecution handed it to trial for violating the political fund law.

This will be reported by reporter Lee Se-young.


Suwon District Prosecutor 's Office said that the allegation that the Seongnam Branch Office charged the mayor of.

The mayor said that he received 90 drivers of political activities for one year from 2016, shortly after the 20th parliamentary election, received illegally paid political funds as a free fare for drivers and vehicles from a mobster-run business It is a charge.

[Eun Se-nam Seongnam Market driver: I will take you to this event in Seongnam while driving around Seoul. ]

The mayor has refuted that 'the driver was known as a volunteer'.

[Eun-mi / Seongnam Mayor (last May): I did not receive a penny of illegal political funds.]

However, the prosecution confirmed the situation after the general election in 2016, when a businessman offered to offer a free vehicle at the silver market and dinner place.

Lee has been handed over to the trial after being arrested late last year on charges of committing tax evasion by operating illegal gambling sites overseas.

The prosecution concluded that it would not prosecute the alleged accused of participating in local events during the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae as a female family secretary.

(Image editing: Lee Seung Yeol)