So far, OnePlus is the only smartphone manufacturer that really brings out a successor to its top model every six months. The situation is different, the company always has only one model on offer. As soon as a new one is on the shelves, the old one disappears. The design remains unchanged - mostly.

In fact, the OnePlus 6T looks a bit different in details than the OnePlus 6. Specifically, it is noticeable that the fingerprint sensor on the back is missing, but no one can see it at the front either. This is possible because the new sensor is under the screen.

On the one hand, this is convenient because you no longer accidentally type on the lenses of the camera when you try to feel the sensor on the back. On the other hand, OnePlus runs a small animation around the new sensor while pressing his finger on the sensor. That's nice to look at (see photo gallery).

photo gallery

7 pictures

Fingerprint sensor in the display: The OnePlus 6T in the test

The second striking change is that the so-called notch, the recess in the upper image area in which cameras and sensors for face detection are hidden, turns out to be very small. The face recognition itself still works fast and reliable. It's also a bit more practical than fingerprint unlocking.


The camera in the back is the same as the OnePlus 6, it has a 16- and a 20-megapixel sensor. Here, improved software should bring new possibilities. Noteworthy is the night mode, which works similar to the Mate 20 Pro. from Huawei. The camera does a long exposure here, the software tries to figure out the wobble of the hand. Perfect does not succeed. Thus, although quite bright, but unfortunately synonymous somewhat washed-out recordings, which can not compete with the quality of night shots of the Mate 20 Pro.

photo gallery

26 pictures

Huawei's new flagship smartphone: This is the Mate 20 Pro


OnePlus 6T has the same eight-core processor as its predecessor. Nevertheless, it is faster, promises the manufacturer. Software optimizations should make it possible. In test programs, it actually achieves different results. Programs that measure the pure computing power, attest to it about the same performance as its predecessor. In apps that test the entire system including graphics units, it does better.

Of course, that does not make a noticeable difference. The 6T is fast enough for anything you could do with a smartphone right now, with graphics and processor performance in the upper class.


The battery OnePlus has compared to the OnePlus 6 sized slightly larger. In everyday life you can easily let it run for more than a day without having to recharge it. If I forgot it over the weekend in the desk drawer, it still showed more than 50 percent remaining capacity. This is clearly in the upper range.

What is missing?

A real premium smartphone now includes the ability to charge the device wirelessly. Several manufacturers have internalized, OnePlus not. Sure, the quick charge technology used by OnePlus is really fast, but the supplied power supply is also so clunky that you would rather not always carry it around with you.

Likewise, an IP certification is missing that would certify the device dust and water resistance. That too has long been standard elsewhere. Although it should be protected against dust and water spray, but I would not risk exposing the device, for example, a rain shower.

What does not bother me, but can annoy others: OnePlus has renounced the 6T on an analog headphone jack. Instead, there is a headphone adapter for the USB-C port - but no headphones.


advantages and disadvantages

High performance

Good cameras

Very good stamina

Relatively cheap

No IP certification

No wireless charging

No IP certification

Memory not expandable

The main argument for the OnePlus 6T: With 128 GB of memory and 6 GB of RAM, it costs 549 euros. This makes it attractive in terms of price. Otherwise, it is a technically rather moderate upgrade over the previous model, with the built-in screen fingerprint sensor is already an eye-catcher. A price breaker is OnePlus but not anymore with the 6T.

Instead of half-yearly product cycles, competitors like Huawei are focusing on price reductions a few months after their launch. Huawei's P20 Pro, for example, gets you with 128 GB of memory and excellent cameras meanwhile already for 400 euros.

Background: Product tests in the network world department

Which products are reported in the network world section?

We decide for ourselves on which products we report in the net world and which we test or not. For none of the test reports do we receive money or other consideration from the manufacturer. For various reasons, we may not report on products even though we have appropriate test products.

Where do the test products come from?

We usually get test equipment and review copies of games for free for a certain period provided by the manufacturer, sometimes even before the official release. So our reviews can appear on time or in time for the release of the product.

Pre-release versions or devices from pre-series productions are only tested in special cases. As a rule, we wait until we can get test devices or game versions that are identical to the retail versions. In some cases, we also buy products at our own expense if they are already available on the market or online.

Are networld editors allowed to keep the products?

Usually, test equipment is returned to the manufacturer after the test has ended. The exception are review copies of games and so-called permanent loans: For example, we have game consoles and smartphones in the editorial office, which we are allowed to use for a long time. For example, we can report on software updates, new accessories and new games or make long-term judgments.

Can the network world editors invite companies to travel?

The costs of traveling to events, regardless of whether they take place in Germany or abroad, are always covered by SPIEGEL ONLINE. This also applies if, for example, a company undertakes travel planning due to short-term appointments.

Events at which we travel at our own expense include the Ifa, CES, E3 and Gamescom events, as well as events from companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft or Nintendo. At conferences such as the Chaos Communication Congress or the re: publica we usually get, like other members of the press, free press tickets because we report on the conference and are not classical participants.

What's up with the Amazon ads in some articles?

As of December 2016, there are Amazon ads in some WorldWide articles that contain so-called affiliate links. If a user visits Amazon via such a link and purchases there online, SPIEGEL ONLINE will participate in the sales in the form of a commission. The ads appear in articles regardless of whether a product test is positive or negative.