Lee Jae-myeong, the governor of Gyeonggi Province, is planning to move to the former Good Governor's House (Suwon City, Pwalemdo, Hwaseo-dong) early next year.

According to the 5th, according to the Good Morning House, a consignment management contract for guesthouses, galleries, cafes, etc. will be concluded at the end of this month, and the facilities will be remodeled for 50 ~ 60 million won and reused as a mission in February next year.
The Good Morning House, which was used as the governor's office since 1967, has been reopened to guesthouses in April 2016, the former branch office of Nam Kyung-pyl.

An official said, "Guesthouses, galleries, and cafes are not getting enough response, and about 800 million won is being donated in a year." There are many questions about whether these facilities should be operated by the government. I decided to do it. "

The official said, "The governor is taking an hour to get to work from his home (Sungnam-si Bundang-gu, Suweon-dong) to the provincial government office, and because there is no proper place to meet domestic and overseas visitors, I did.

However, the voices of criticism for returning to the original site of the residence of the governor, which was handed over to the citizens for the efficiency of the work of the governor, is not small.

The 4,773 people participated in the petition 'Please keep the' Good Morning House 'for the Gyeonggi residents on the bulletin board of the Cheong Wa Dae petition on the 8th of last month.

Cheongwon said, "President Roh Moo-hyun gave back the 'Cheongnamdae', the president's private villa, to the people in 20 years, and President Moon Jae-in opened the 'way ahead of Cheong Wa Dae' in 50 years. "

"It is the first time in the history of the municipality that we will privatize a public place that has been used as a cultural space and privatize it as a residential area," he said. "It is difficult to commute to work and to use Good Morning House as a residence."

Other officials also said, "It is not understandable to abolish the reason that the operating costs of the Good Morning House are so high. It is said that it is meaningless for the public institution to take a surplus and deficit."

In October of last year, 8.9 billion won in the new city of Gwanggyo to build a new office of the Governor to put an excessive budget has ceased to point out.

(Photo courtesy of Yonhap News, Gyeonggi Province)