Actor Kim Buseon has revealed that he has withdrawn some of the charges he filed against Lee Jae-myeong, the governor of Gyeonggi Province, during a summons investigation.

According to the Suwon District Prosecutor's Office, Seongnam District Office, Kim said he would not question the fact that the governor was acting as a prosecutor and defamed his honor while undergoing a summons investigation related to the alleged "actress scandal" "Said the statement.

It has been revealed that he has filed a complaint to abolish the complaint.

Kim said to the prosecution that he stated that "I do not want to be affected by this."

On Sept. 18, Kim sued the prosecution for libel defamation under the Information and Communications Act, saying, "I suffered psychological and economic damages as a result.

In the complaint, the governor also allegedly violated the election law related to denying the suspicion of "actress scandal" at a TV debate ahead of the June 13th local election.

As for the defamation of the two allegations stipulated in the complaint, the prosecution terminated the "no sue" as Kim withdrew his intention to punish him.

The remaining charges of violating the election law continued to be investigated, but the evidence was not available to prove the scandal,

A prosecution official said at the time that Kim Young-hwan, a candidate for the Gyeonggi provincial office of Gyeonggi province, responded falsely to the scandal-related questions he had made to the governor. The question, "Do you have a scandal about entertainers? The governor explained that the incident was not guilty because he could see it as an immediate response. "

(Photo: Yonhap News)