The Board of Audit and Inspection said that the public administration discipline that could occur in the year-end and New Year holidays was blocked in advance and the Special Inspection of Public Disclosure was started on 13th to prevent various disasters and safety accidents.

A total of 45 personnel from the Special Investigation Bureau of the Board of Audit and Inspection will go on a libel inspection until January 11 next year.

Especially, since the safety accidents of national infrastructure facilities such as railway and communication are following, we check the actual situation of security discipline, security and safety management of workers working in key infrastructure facilities such as power plants, ports, railways on the spot.

Measures to cope with winter disasters, such as heavy snow and frost, are also subject to inspection.

In addition, the main object of inspection is the duties of senior public officials such as disgusting behavior such as abuse of business affairs, bribery, abuse of property such as drunkenness, drunkenness, departure of duty, dismissal of duty, privatization of private vehicle, abuse of authority, Leak of confidential information of the person in charge, dissemination of false facts, and pursuit of private interests.

The Board of Audit inspects the directors' supervision and supervision to establish public discipline, and observes passive working behaviors such as abusing staff, sexual harassment, gagging, delaying complaints without justifiable reasons.

The Board of Audit and Inspection will deal with disciplinary cases caught in this special inspection strictly, and will use information related to misconduct in the future for audits.

(Photo: Yonhap News)