As a result of the accident that leaked to the Baekseok station, the number of the symptom of abnormality was 203 in the whole 686 ㎞ of the heat transmission pipe more than 20 years.

According to the Korea District Heating Corporation (President Hwang Chang-hwa) on March 13, 216 people (32%) of the 2,164 km of hot water pipelines nationwide from the 5th to the 12th, We checked the 203 points where the geothermal difference occurred as a result of emergency inspections.

Among them, there were 16 locations where there was a possibility of an accident due to the large locomotive.

"The five sites found during the emergency inspection process have already been excavated, and four excavation sites have been excavated, and one site has been replaced with a micro leak," the company said.

The construction company said that it had already been excavated for 443 places constructed by the same method as the welding part of the connection part of the heat transfer pipe section as in the case of the Baekseok station accident.

However, it has not been confirmed whether abnormal signs were found in the vicinity of Mokdong apartment complex in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, and in Gojan-dong, Gyeonggi-do, Gyeonggi-do,

"We will carry out the repair work immediately if there is a very high probability of an accident," he said. "For the site or section where abnormal signs such as 203 trains occur, I will do a precise diagnosis from January 13 to January 12 next year. "

Based on the results, KNOC plans to implement comprehensive safety management measures by the end of January next year.

The corporation is planning to set up a 'committee' as an external expert on underground facilities to prepare the criteria for repair and replacement of hot water pipes installed before 1998 and to increase the maintenance cost of hot water pipes from 20 billion won a year to 100 billion won a year .

The company said, "Outsourcing personnel and duties to inspect pipelines and monitor surveillance system will be transformed into subsidiaries within the year (112 people)." "We will also build a monitoring system for pipelines using CCTV operated by the municipality."

The death toll from the Baekseok Station hotspot was estimated to be one person and the number of people injured including the burn was 55.

"We are supporting the funeral expenses and negotiating for compensation and medical expenses," adding, "I sincerely apologize to the victims and victims of the accident and the people who suffered from the interruption of heat supply."