In many foreign cities such as Vienna and San Francisco scooters and skateboards with electric drive are already part of the streetscape. Uund also in Germany, the mobile pedestals were a hit in the Christmas business - they may be tried but only on private grounds. That should change now. Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer wants to SPIEGEL information in addition to e-scooters and electric boards for road traffic.

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The CSU man has authorized a corresponding release for small, powered by electric motors scooters and skateboards. The "Electric Vehicle Regulation" is to be forwarded to the Federal Council this spring. Regulated is that the lifestyle companion on bicycle lanes or on the road at speeds up to 20 kilometers per hour may be driven.


Andreas Scheuer

A whole range of start-ups are already prepared to lend electric scooters - for example, via a smartphone app - in German cities. So far, this failed because of the missing regulation. This had been delayed because the officials in Scheuer's Ministry had reservations, in particular to allow those electric boards that do without handlebar and handbrake. Scheuer overruled the objections because he considers micromobility with scooters and boards to be necessary for modern traffic concepts in inner cities. The regulation contains a passage that gives permission for the electric boards initially as a kind of traffic test that can be revoked quickly if many accidents occur.

The concern is not unjustified. In cities where the boards have been in use for a long time, reports of accidents are accumulating.

This topic comes from the new SPIEGEL magazine - available at the kiosk from Saturday morning and every Friday at SPIEGEL + and in the digital magazine edition.

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