
In the middle of the day, a waterworks pavilion opened in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, where hot water piping broke out. This time, cold water, not hot water, made the roads watery.

It is the news of the incident and the accident in the night, and the reporter Jung Kyu-hee.


The water was poured into the water from the water.

At 2:30 am today, the water supply pipe ruptured in Gojan-dong, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do.

It is a point not far from the place where the heat transfer pipe is opened.

[Ansan City official: There is a (new water pipe) rupture point. (Two points) are about 700 meters away.]

Most of the water is missing, but the mud that came out of the waterworks still covers the two lanes on the road. Nowadays, calcium chloride is sprinkled.

The ruptured water supply pipe was connected to the shopping mall, so fortunately there was no housing damage.


Flames rise from vehicles built on roads.

Around 1:30 am today, a passenger car that ran at Hanam High Street in Hannam-dong, Seoul, was on fire. There was no loss of life.

Police and the fire department are investigating the cause of the fire as a fire started in the vehicle engine room.


Oil was leaked from a 10,000-ton-class chemical tanker that was being refueled at around 0:12 am today at the sea near Odongdo, Yeosu, Jeollanam-do.

The crew said they were reporting oil on the right side of the boat while receiving oil from the oil supply line.

The seaplane is going to investigate the situation of the pollution around the precise accident.