
Until the end of SBS 's exploration report team, Panda has been investigating the suspicions of university education from Kindergarten to K - As you have just seen, it is common for the historians to catch the wrong things that the historians have done wrong, and to pass through without fail if they ignore it and ignore it. Let's start with the story of a private school foundation filled with family and relatives.

I am a reporter of YooDukKi.


Established in the 1960s as a school corporation, Songgok Academy has 4 schools including Songgok Girls 'High School, Songgok Girls' High School, Songgok High School and Songguk High School and Songgok University.

The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education sees an employee who has not paid a salary audit in 2011 and has only paid salary for 20 years.

He earned 350 million won for salary compensation and performance bonus as well as monthly salary. He was the second son of Songgok Academy founder.

The school set up a career for a son, and the head of the administration manipulated fingerprints with his fingers as if his son worked.

This was possible for 20 years because the founder's family was at the core of the school.

[Person in charge of school: (Principal now?) Principal of King ○○. My youngest brother. (The first daughter, the principal?) I quit. (Is the oldest son of Song Song Tourist?) No. The eldest son went elsewhere. As a college (president)?]

The founder Wang Mo and his wife Wang, who left the office, both served as the principal and president of the school. Now the eldest son is the president of Songgok University, three are associate professors of Songgok University, three are Songgokgyo principal, .

Two daughter-in-law's founders have a relative in the teacher's college and the school administration office.

[Kim Hyung Tae / Former Seoul City Councilors: Their Own Family Allegiance. It's closed and authoritative, and then pietism works. Good thing, good sister, good seller. There are all kinds of bad things out there.

The number of prospective relatives has increased to three.

It was the granddaughter of the founder who was hired as a full-time teacher of Songgok Girls' High School after breaking the competition rate of 250 to 1 last year.

At the time, Principal Song Song Yeo was an aunt of the teacher who passed away, and he was thankful that the principal was directly involved in the interview.

The Songgok Academy participated in the interview, but the process was fair and the fact that the founder's family was in the school was not easy to recruit talented people in the past.

There are 291 schools nationwide and 398 relatives who work in private schools within 6 villages of the president of a private school corporation.

It is estimated that the number of relatives who actually work is much higher because it is only the fact that the self-reported report is done.

(Image coverage: Changhyeon Cho, Kang Dongchul, Lee Chan-soo, Image editing: Park Ji-in)