▲ contact with radio at the time of the crime

SEOUL, South Korea (AFP) - Police in Seoul's Seongbuk Police Station said they arrested five people each day, stolen 26 apartments and luxury villas and stolen money.

They are accused of choosing empty houses and cutting off 350 million won worth of cash and precious metals.

According to the police, all of them were found during prison life, and when they could not catch a job after they had recently been released, they were conspiring to raise money for living expenses and entertainment expenses.

From June 11 to October 30 this year, they continued to commit crimes in 10 cities and provinces including Seoul, Daejeon, Gyeonggi, Chungnam and Gyeongnam.

After confirming that the house was empty by pushing the doorbell, it crashed the door with a flat-headed screwdriver (aka "Paru") and a specially made flat-head screwdriver and broke the precious metal.

He is accused of slapping the face of a witness who confronted them during the process of leaving home after a crime.

They used a cannon car, a cannon phone, and a rental car for their acquaintances in order to get rid of the trail when they committed a crime. When they committed a crime, they used a walkie-talkie to exchange information.

The 44-year-old Chung Bum-mo, who was arrested last day on the last day of his daily life, was also bold to steal precious metals from the houses of the police station under investigation in order to confuse the police investigation.

In particular, Mr. Lee has been stolen from the 100 apartments nationwide for three years in 2012. He has been committing another crime after changing his accomplice after expiration.

Police are planning to send Mr. Lee to the prosecution tomorrow on charges of special theft.

(Photo = Seongbuk police station in Seoul / Yonhap News)