Ahn Tae-keun (52, Judicial Research and Training Institute, 20), who was dismissed after handing a money envelope to his prosecutors, won the case against the prosecution chief of the former Justice Department.

The 13th Division of the Administrative Court of Seoul Seoul (Judge Yoo Jin-hyun) on December 13 ruled in favor of the former director of the department against the Minister of Justice.

On April 21, last year, Ahn met two of his prosecutors' attorneys at the prosecution office last night, and ate dinner with seven prosecutors who were in the Special Investigation Headquarters of the Prosecutor's Office,

On this occasion, Ahn delivered an envelope of 700,000-1,000,000 won to six young people who were in charge of the investigation of Choi, Soon-sil.

The former chief judge handed an envelope of 1 million won to two people under the Ministry of Justice.

Ahn and the former chief justice explained that they were responsible for the preservation and encouragement of criminals, but faced criticism. The Justice Department opened a test disciplinary committee to remove the two.

Both of them disagreed with the Justice Department and filed an administrative suit.

The person who first got the results in the lawsuit is the former prosecutor.

He was indicted on charges of violating the Law on the Prohibition of Denial of Amnesty and Bribery, but was found guilty last October.

On the 6th of last month, we received the first judgment in the administrative litigation that "disposition of overtime is excessive".

In the case of the former director, Seo Ji-hyun, who was arrested on suspicion of molesting him, was sentenced to another crime trial and is currently on trial for retaliation against the prosecution.

(Photo: Yonhap News)