Panoramic video project RT "Cosmos 360" allowed Austrian students to visit the open space. The story about how students of the secondary school in the town of Neunkirchen visited the stand of the TV channel at the permanent exhibition of the UN Museum in Vienna was published on the website of the educational institution.

“No one could even imagine that they would soon be repairing the space station in outer space - though only in virtual space with the help of VR glasses. The students learned that not only the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), but also the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs is located in the third largest UN headquarters in Vienna. There they were able to make their first steps in space with the help of VR-glasses, ”the website of the educational institution notes.

Recall that in November of this year panoramic videos of the project “Cosmos 360” RT, as well as other videos in the format of virtual reality, were shown at the permanent exhibition of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. The opening of the VR-booth is timed to the 20th anniversary of the launch of the International Space Station (ISS). This is the first interactive exhibit of the museum.

Visitors to the exhibition can watch unique footage of the Earth, shot by RT in a panoramic format on board the ISS, panoramic short film RT “360 ° of the Earth” with the participation of legendary space pilot Alexei Leonov, a video in memory of famous theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and the launch of a manned spacecraft Soyuz "from the Baikonur cosmodrome in the summer of 2016.

“We are grateful to the RT channel for panoramic videos and VR glasses, which will allow our visitors to feel themselves in open space and visit the ISS in a virtual reality format,” said Simonetta di Pippo, head of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs.

Earlier in 2018, RT and the American organization Astronomers without Borders, together with RSC Energia, held a teleconference with the ISS for schoolchildren from the Russian cities of Tomsk, Korolev and Sochi, as well as students from the US states of Montana and South Carolina. Schoolchildren from Russia and the United States were able to ask questions to the Russian cosmonauts on the ISS.

In addition, students with the help of VR-glasses watched panoramic video project RT "Cosmos 360".

RT channel launched the Cosmos 360 project in 2016 in conjunction with the state corporation Roscosmos and RSC Energia. RT was the first in the world to show a video shot onboard the ISS in 360 degree format. In 2017, RT introduced the SPACEWALK 360 - the first ever panoramic video from deep space.