
The lawyer Kim Seung-tae, who defended Japan's war criminals in the damages lawsuit filed by the victims of forced and compulsory dismissal, is now in the process of illegally helping Yung Sung-tae. The prosecution is reporting that the Supreme Court judge who was in charge of the trial informed him that he was in the best interest of the Supreme Court justice.

Kim Ki-tae reported separately.


The prosecution has caught the situation in which the deputy chief of the court administration, Lim Jong-cheon at the time in 2015, is in the hands of the lawyer Kim Yong-deok,

It is time for the Supreme Court to postpone final judgment after the war criminal corporations have reconsidered the judgment of the Supreme Court, which recognized the liability of Japanese companies.

One lawyer said in a prosecutor's survey, "I heard from the former deputy chief that Kim Yong-deok, the Supreme Court judge, does not intentionally confirm the victim's hand."

In particular, the prosecution notes that in October 2016, the Supreme Court of Justice of Kim directed a trial researcher to write a report that handed down the case of compulsory dismissal to a consensus.

Passing to the power agreement is a preliminary step for destroying the centrifuges. One year before this report was written, Kim & Chang received relevant information from the court administration.

The prosecution also found that Lim was delivered to Kim and Jeong by the Constitutional Court in October 2015.

While the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Express confidential confidentiality were crossing to Kim and Chang, representing the Japanese war criminal enterprise, the victims of the forcible conscription did not hear the reason for the delay from the judiciary.

Former Supreme Court Justice Park Young-hean and Park Byung-dae, who served as deputy administrative officers during the days when Kim and Chang and the Supreme Court of Justice were involved in inappropriate transactions, will be held tomorrow (6th).

(Image coverage: Kim Seok-kyung, Image editing: Seungjin Lee)