
It is a picture of Mr. 24 years old Yong-gyun Kim who died working at power station. According to the request of the bereaved family, we have been covering the deceased's face and informed him that he should not have this kind of accident again. Kim Yong-gyun, who left the world alone to do dangerous work, was such an ordinary young man. However, when the accident happened, it was confirmed that the power plant was operating the conveyor belt next to it, even though the site was not cleaned up. I also ignored the authorities' instructions to stop.

Baekun reporter interviewed alone.


At 5:37 am on May 11, the Boryung Provincial Office of the Ministry of Employment and Labor ordered that all of the conveyor belts in Taean Thermal Power Plant No. 9 and No. 10 be stopped.

It is necessary to preserve the site in order to ascertain the precise accident situation.

On the computer log of Taean Power Plant, however, it is confirmed that the power plant has violated instructions.

At 6:32:55 AM, less than an hour after the instructions were issued, the belt next to the accident belt was moving.

The belt operation lasted about 80 minutes.

At this time, 119 paramedics were picking up the body of Kim Yong-gyun in full swing.

Taean power plant explained that it was only a trial run for safety inspection.

[Korea Western Power Development Publicity Person: I know that one of the rest (conveyor belt) has been repaired. But we did not turn the coal up.]

But on-site operators say coal is being transported.

[Lee Sung-hoon / late Kim Yong-gyun] Work associate: It was the first priority of the people to start the boiler and turn the boiler.

The balance of the coal reservoir 30 minutes ago when the belt was actually under maintenance was larger than usual 70 ~ 80%.

There were also reservoirs that fell to 20%.

[Lee Sung-hoon / late Kim Yong-gyun] Co-worker: (Taean power plant employee) 'We have to fill up coal more than 30% unconditionally. In the storage tank. Squeezing.]

The Ministry of Employment and Labor was not aware of the fact that the conveyor belt was running until the coverage began.

(Image editing: UG, CG: Seo Seung-hyun)