
Police are investigating suspicions that a public official in Gangwon Province and a senior official of another organization have received overseas travel from a local business representative. While the parties deny the allegations, the police are investigating them repeatedly.

G1 is the sole report of Jung Dong-won.


A public agency head in Gangwon Province attends the police with his face masked as if he is aware of his surroundings.

The head of the public agency is accused of having been touring the Philippines with a local business representative for three nights and four days from July 14 last year and receiving entertainment at a high - class bar.

The costs were reported to have been paid by a local representative in the Philippines and then remitted later.

Police are tracking the accounts for which they believe a significant portion of the cost is borne by the business owner.

The police are investigating the people in order, as it is inappropriate for the public officials to travel abroad with the businessmen.

The police decided to summon officers from other public agencies in the area that they traveled with in the near future.

The representatives of the regional companies that have accompanied them are currently being appointed as members of the relevant organizations.

Police are investigating whether there is improper cohesion with business executives and executives, such as giving a favorable view of business or appealing.

The head of the public agency strongly denies the accusation that the police have never received the investigation itself.