▶ A package tour that turned into a 'nightmare' after the weather deteriorated

I just received an unbelievable report. I went on a package tour, but the guide told me that I had to leave the tourists. 12 package tourists traveled through Hana Tour on February 9-15 to see the aurora in Canada for 5 nights and 7 days. 3 days out of 5 was a tour of the aurora in Yellowknife and a tour of Calgary on the 2nd.

But I had a problem from the first day of my trip. I went to Yellowknife through Vancouver Airport and the flight went back because of bad weather. Tourists returning to Vancouver Airport at around 10 pm did not know what to do. I contacted Hana Tour but it was not reached. Eventually some of the travelers were grouped at the airport and some stayed in their own neighborhoods nearby.

The next morning the tourists met a guide from Hana Tour. I can not go to Yellowknife, so I decided to go to Calgary first. In Calgary, the guide pushed out a consent form. The consent form states that you will be traveling on a free trip instead of the Yellowknife schedule you have not been able to afford, and that you will be charged for additional accommodations, meals, transportation costs, and so on. All of the tourists came to pay for the package, but refused to sign the agreement, saying it was unfair to travel on a free trip.

Hana Tour ordered the guide to leave and leave if the tourists disagree. Eventually, the neglected travelers say they have booked additional accommodation locally and spending their time spending time on their own. When the coverage began, HANATOUR gave a clarification. It is possible that the schedule may change due to natural disasters and other reasons, and that it was the best option for the local conditions at the time of the trip. He also denied that the withdrawal was due to the fact that the travelers refused the conditions presented.

● Hana Tour "did not leave" explanation

Since SBS coverage, HANATOUR has released another explanation. The plane was not prepared for the travel agency because it was not predictable, but the customer was not abandoned. Hana Tour had a total of 12 customers staying in the group homeless, 4 of them stayed at the hotel suggested by the airline. For the remaining 8, Hana Tour booked the hotel and sent shuttle bus, but only 2 of them used it, I have chosen to wait on.

In addition, Hana Tour refused to offer alternative travel products. Two days out of three days I could not get to Yellowknife was a trip to Calgary and a day for free. We informed that we had to proceed with the support of Hana Tour and the additional cost of the customer for the additional expenses in the local area, but the customers said that they refused it.

● Customers "We made apples rather than customers"

About the explanation of HANATOUR, travelers have been in contact with us again. It is the situation when left at the Vancouver airport after the return. If the travelers did not arrive at Yellowknife unlike the plan, then the travel agency would have to contact the travelers first. Traveling on a package trip chosen for safety did not come on time, but there seems to be a problem when the travel agency has not contacted anyone for hours.

The second is that Hana Tour booked and booked the hotel, but the customers chose to wait at the airport. Some of the travelers are waiting for Hana Tour to contact them, and say they have booked their hotel through the airline service center. The rest of the travelers said that they had contacted Hana Tour 's headquarters more than 2 am. After asking for future measures such as payment of hotel expenses, Hana Tour has avoided the instant response, and eventually the package tourists who were late at dawn in English were abandoned to find hotels and became homeless with young children at the airport.

In fact, after confirming the written consent of Hana Tour in the future, the cost of the hotel was borne by the customer. It seems to be far from Hana Tour's claim that they booked and presented their hotel to their customers. One of the tourists broke the news that "If I had booked a real hotel as Hana Tour explained, who would have chosen to be homeless at the airport?"

Travelers insist that the explanation of Hana Tour is different from the facts about the replacement schedule. Hana Tour's proposed two-day tour of Calgary was included in the original travel package and suggested that you go on a free trip for not having the Yellowknife. In other words, it says that there was no replacement for the canceled Yellowknife schedule. Travelers are not able to sign the agreement because they do not understand this part.

Eventually the guide withdraws and the remaining travelers say they have traveled to Sabie via a local travel agency and have returned from time to time. Through Hana Tour, I felt sorry for not receiving any help.

Of course there will be a difference between travel agencies and travelers. However, there are reasons for travelers to package travel through large travel agencies. We meet to ensure comfort and safety in a strange land where language and culture are different. If the travel agency thought a bit more about the package travelers, it would not be right to offer other travel products instead of free travel. If you have been a little more careful in the locality, as a long-time trip to see the Aurora has been ruined, the disappointment of travelers may not have been so great.