

This is the time for Koh Hyun-joon's news to pick out the best news. Welcome, Mr. Hyun Jun. (Good morning.) What is your first news today?

<Hyun Jun Goh / Editorial Reviewer>

The first news is that there is a debate about whether Taurus, an electronic striker, was an unreasonable suppression when a police officer overtook him.

It is in front of the Hope House in Sangdong, Seoul, about 5:30 am on the 24th of last month. The police wake up A who was drunk and was sleeping.

When Mr. A, awake from sleep, does not follow the instructions of the police officer and continues to move to the other side, the police overturns A and even ties up A with Teyogan.

A was arrested on suspicion of interfering with the execution of official affairs and damaging property, and A police officer explained that he used Teyogan because he threatened police officer '

However, the Police Department's own case report stated that A had no evidence that he had assaulted the police and concluded the incident with a bureaucratic opinion. It appears that A's resistance was not threatening.

Mr. A claims to have been subjected to Teygog on his left chest and back for 12 times, and a police official said that it is difficult to put his position because he is currently under investigation.

You've seen the video, but two policemen are overwhelming one of the passengers, and violent violence is serious these days, I guess. I doubt whether it was the situation that I had to write Teyogan.


I think there should be a certain clear usage standard even for this controversy. What's next?

<Hyun Jun Goh / Editorial Reviewer>

The next news came to the elementary school students and the police arrested 40 boys who had stolen their necklaces from their necks. It is in front of a school in Namyangju, Gyeonggi Province last August.

A woman approached the elementary school student who was passing by saying that she was going to shake her head because she was buried in her head. When the child came up without any doubt, this time she turned his attention to "something on the ground" and then steals the necklace on the child's neck.

The woman was stolen six times over a 2.5 million won necklace in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Pusan, and Daegu.

I have been hoping that children often wear 14K or 18K gold necklaces to prevent childbearing or trinkets. Children who have been stolen from their necklaces because they have been so tricky have not even thought they had lost their necklaces.

Police arrested a 40-year-old woman A through a three-month CCTV analysis and mobile phone location tracking. A stated that all of the stolen goods were sold to the gold auspices and used for living expenses.

Rather, the children remembered A as a good man who gave them a favor, and it was the appearance of a bad adult who hurt children's pure heart.


What's next?

<Hyun Jun Goh / Editorial Reviewer>

It was last month. The winner of the money lottery of 737.1 billion won, which caused the American continent to fall into a lottery fever, was revealed. There are two winners, one of which is open to the public.

[Riley West / Powerball Lottery Winner: I know that I will be liable for big money.]

West, who owns three daughters, bought a lottery ticket at a local pizzeria. He heard of a Powerball winner in his Iowa state yesterday and found a lottery ticket, but he could not find it.

So I called my brother in a hurry and asked him to check his brother's truck for a lottery ticket. After that, he found the lottery that was on the bottom of the truck and became a big lucky star.

The total amount of the prize is about 737.1 billion won, and I have half of it. The two winners will be divided into two halves. Mr. West will receive a lot of money from the winners and receive a lump sum payment, subtracting the tax and receiving about 220 billion won.

She asked me what I wanted to do first with this money, and I was shyly surprised when I replied that I am going to change an old car with a mileage of 230,000 km.

Mr. West, who said he would use the money to replace the old car and make a charity, seems to be lucky enough to come to those who have a good heart.