
When you travel abroad, do a lot of package travel. It is easier and safer than free travel. You will choose it because it is safe. On a package trip that you have believed, how long will it be if the guide leaves only the travelers left.

The reporter Jung Dae-jae reported an absurd story in the 'Report is coming'.


In February, Choi and his family took their first overseas trip to Canada with their children.

I was going to join a local guide after going to Yellowknife through Vancouver with 12 package members.

But when I left the airport in Vancouver and went to Yellowknife, the airplane turned around due to bad weather and the nightmare started.

[Choi Choi / Hana Tour Package Tourist: The guide decided to meet at Yellowknife, but he could not go normally. You know. But I can not contact the guide.]

Eventually, the group had to take a group homelessness at the airport.

[Choi Choi / Hana Tour package tourists: (airport) lie down on a chair. I was so nervous when I was a little kid, and I was pissing and peeing. "

I managed to get in touch with Hana Tour, so I met a guide in Vancouver,

Instead of visiting the Yellowknife tour, I signed a consent form asking me to go on a free trip.

[Chunmo-san / Hana Tour package tourists: Meals and hotel expenses are not available. We just want to take care of it. It does not make sense. I went to the package and do it with Sabie.

When all the parties refused to sign the agreement, Hana Tour withdrew the guide, saying that the schedule could not be made.

[Kim Mo / Hana Tour Package Tourist: (From Hana Tour) If you do not sign the agreement, pull out the local guide there. At that time, we went around scrambling the cost.

[Chunmo-san / Hana Tour Package Tourist: When I thought I was broke up with the guide, it was not a trip since then. Let's go to Korea.

Although tourists protested that the sale of goods was wrong after returning home, Hana Tour refuted that it was possible to change the schedule due to natural disasters and offered the best option according to local conditions at the time of travel.

The withdrawal from the area was an inevitable choice because travelers refused the conditions presented.

However, even if the schedule change was inevitable due to natural disasters, it seems difficult to avoid the criticism that it was irresponsible because it was forced to travel only for the trip without offering the alternative travel schedule.

(Video coverage: Seo Jin-ho, Image editing: Seungjin Lee, VJ: Kim Jong-Gab)