He has gained more space with his passes than John Elway and threw 101 touchdowns more than Joe Montana: Philip Rivers is considered one of the best quarterbacks of his generation - including Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Ben Roethlisberger, Aaron Rodgers and Eli Manning ,

Nevertheless, Rivers is different from all these players. For the playmaker of the Los Angeles Chargers is missing something crucial: He has not won a Super Bowl. He has not even participated in a final.

Now he has another chance to get a step closer to the final. A new start for the now 37-year-old. And it could even be his last. "Philip Rivers is running out of time," headlined the Washington Post. For the first time in five years, the Chargers are back in the playoffs. At that time, they were still based in San Diego. By now they have moved to Los Angeles. After the 23:17 win to playoff at the Baltimore Ravens Rivers and LA play in the quarterfinals at the New England Patriots. "A madness challenge," says Rivers.

He is the epitome of continuity in his position. Since September 11, 2006, the Chargers have played 208 games in the regular season. And since that Oakland Raiders 27-0 win in 2006, there has been only one starting quarterback: Philip Michel Rivers. With this record he is currently the playmaker with the most successive missions - and ranks in the NFL history, along with Peyton Manning, in third place.

The big playoff moments are missing

Rivers, who does not throw the football over his head as usual, but rather sideways, has proven over several seasons that he can win important games between early September and late December. However, those looking for big playoff moments in Rivers' career are looking for nothing. Many only remembered how he played through in 2008 in the semifinals at the Patriots despite a cruciate ligament rupture in the right knee. Rivers was as close to the Super Bowl back then, never before.

He probably would have missed the Super Bowl anyway due to injury. But he wanted to lead his team at least in the final. But it was not quite enough. New England won 21:12. Already in the season before, it was Rivers first as a starter, the Chargers had with 14: 2 victories the best balance of all teams. They had won all home games and would have been in two more home wins in the final. But then there was a 21:24 loss to New England.

It is idle to discuss whether Rivers would have at least one Super Bowl ring had he not been exchanged for Eli Manning in 2004. At that time, the Chargers had chosen the Draft in the first place. But Manning had made it clear beforehand that he definitely did not want to play for San Diego. The New York Giants in turn had been selected by all Talents Rivers in position four. And since this was the number two on the Chargers wish list, both teams agreed to an exchange. Almost 15 years later, Manning has long since lost the athletic class of Rivers. Manning has twice mastered the Giants.

Manning, Rodgers and Roethlisberger have missed the playoffs this year. Rivers and the Chargers, however, after a regular season with twelve wins and four defeats as serious title contenders. The best away team in the league (8: 1) travels courageously to the best home team (8: 0). Of course, Rivers knows that the New England Patriots have not lost a playoff home game for six years and that he has never won in seven duels against Brady. Nevertheless, he emphasizes: "We have a chance, a chance to take a step closer to the final."

He has never lacked self-confidence anyway. Not as a toddler when he stood in front of the marching band in Alabama at half-time pauses in high school football or basketball games, pretending to be a conductor. And not in the fifth grade, when he was commissioned to portray his dreams on a poster - and then gave a cover page of "Sports Illustrated" with his photo.