"Fear the beard", fear the beard.

For years, this mantra haunts the basketball world. It pays tribute to the superstar of the Houston Rockets: James Harden. The 29-year-old is a six-time NBA Allstar, Most Valuable Player of the League (2018), Basketball World Champion (2014) and Olympic Champion (2012). A highly decorated athlete - and yet his opponents had never before feared the bearded as much as in the past few weeks. The Shooting Guard is in the shape of his life - and makes records fall every night.

"It's crazy," said Harden's current injured co-star Chris Paul, even nine-time Allstar and most valuable player in 2013, recently opposite the sports channel ESPN. "It's crazy to see the games and see them, what he does is incredible."

Like once Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant

In the last twelve games Harden led his Rockets to eleven wins, reaching 40.1 points, 9.0 assists and 6.6 rebounds. In the course of this run, he managed history: Harden is now the only player in NBA history, who scored at least 35 points and 5 assists in eight consecutive games.

He is also the only one who sank five threes in the same interval. In addition, Harden has recently scored 40 or more points five times in a row, which has been achieved in the past 50 years only Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. Harden can even extend all these records - and not a few are wondering how to stop the dreaded beard in this condition.

You can not defend it, you can not defend it unless you foul it without the referee whistling, "says Rockets coach Mike D'Antoni of his superstar. JB Bickerstaff, former coach of Harden and currently coach of the Memphis Grizzlies, said: "Some of his throws are just not defensible." Earlier, his former protégé had given him 43 points, 10 rebounds and 13 assists.

At the same time powerful, fast and clever

What makes Harden so strong is his rare combination of physical, technical and cognitive skills: He is probably the most powerful player in the league in his position, at the same time he moves very fast and easy on the floor. With Clint Capela also assisting one of the NBA's most capable block-makers, Harden often manages to enter the zone with unprecedented timing, fouling or better-positioned players. Harden draws 19.2 times per game to the basket this season, generates 11.8 points from these actions, plus 11.1 free throws - of course, all league highs.

However, Harden is even more dangerous outside the zone, behind the three-point line, from where he scores more than half (12.2) of his 22.1 throws. His specialties include the threesome of the dribbling, one of the toughest qualifications in basketball. Harden manage 11.1 per game. Likewise under adversary pressure, as last night on Thursday in the final seconds against NBA champion Golden State: About Draymond Green and Klay Thompson, so over two top defenders away Harden fired his tenth successful threesome in the basket for 135: 134 victory. Cheers, after work. Fear the beard.

James Harden had words for Draymond right after the game winner pic.twitter.com/iKG0noKK5N

- Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) January 4, 2019

The emotional victory over Golden State was the culmination of Harden's historical run. With his gala performances he led the weakly launched into the season Rockets single-handed back into the playoff ranks, from 14th place to fourth place - within three weeks.

Should Harden even keep his top form rudely, he could become the twelfth player in NBA history who wins the MVP Award for the Most Valuable Player awarded since 1955 twice in a row. The prospect of the trophy spurs Harden on, as he recently admitted to the sports magazine "Bleacher Report": "I definitely need them, and I'll get them."

A Harden alone is not enough for the title

The fact that it also creates the trophy of the NBA champion in Harden's collection, is less likely: Currently, the offensive game of the Rockets stands and falls with Harden's brilliance, he alone is currently able to create constant litters for themselves and others.

His co-star Paul will return in the medium to long term. However, its vulnerability to injury, like the shaky defensive, is one of the major problems currently being overshadowed by a Harden. Currently, this system may work, but in a playoff series, if opponents can prepare for the Rockets over four to seven games, it's too easy to predict - despite a bit of dread.