In the eleventh World Cup match, chess world champion Magnus Carlsen and challenger Fabiano Caruana have agreed on a draw for the eleventh time. After 55 moves, the players shook hands. Carlsen had at this time with white Although a farmer on the board, but otherwise only uneven-colored runners, so there were no real chances of victory.

Already in the 14th move, it had come to the ladies exchange, as a result, neither of the two players could develop a real advantage. Overall, the game was pretty tensionless.

After another rest day, the twelfth and last regular game of this year's World Championship will take place on Monday. Should there be the next draw then a tiebreak follows. First, four games are played in rapid chess, in which the thinking time is reduced to 25 minutes. If there is still no winner after that, a maximum of ten games follow in the blitz chess with only five minutes left to think.

Should it remain after the draw, then the decision in the variant "Armageddon". White has five and Schwarz only four minutes to think. For black is declared the winner, if it should come to another draw. So far no World Chess Championship has been decided in the "Armageddon", but between Carlsen and Caruana it could be the last resort.