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Police on the pitch, West Bromwich players too


Darren Staples/AFP

The derby between West Bromwich Albion and Wolverhampton Wanderers in the English FA Cup had to be interrupted due to spectator riots. In the so-called Black Country Derby, the guests took a 2-0 lead in the 78th minute thanks to a goal from Matheus Cunha. Spectators then stormed onto the pitch and a fight broke out.

A fan had to be led away with a bleeding head wound. Referee Thomas Bramall stopped the game and sent the teams to the dressing rooms. After the situation calmed down 30 minutes later, the game continued at The Hawthorns stadium. It remained 0-2, meaning the Wolves are in the round of 16.

After Pedro Neto's first goal (38th minute) before the break, rockets flew into the area of ​​the celebrating away fans. The game was the first meeting between the two rivals with permitted spectators in twelve years; the two cities are almost 15 kilometers apart.

The English Football Association (FA) subsequently described the riots as unacceptable. »Safety is of the utmost importance and the behavior of those involved is dangerous and inexcusable. We will investigate these serious incidents together with the clubs and the relevant authorities and take the appropriate measures."
