The Democratic Republic of Congo defeated Egypt in a marathon match in the quarter-finals of the African Cup (Reuters)

Egyptian goalkeeper Mohamed Abu Gabal missed a penalty kick as his country bid farewell to the African Cup of Nations, losing 8-7 to the Democratic Republic of Congo on penalty kicks after they tied 1-1 in regular and extra time in the 16th final of the continental championship.

The Democratic Republic of Congo opened the scoring in the match after 37 minutes through Meshack Elia, following a massive collective error by the Egyptian players while taking a throw-in.

But Mustafa Mohamed was able to score the equalizer in the first minute of stoppage time in the first half through a penalty kick won by Ahmed Hegazy.

The Democratic Republic of Congo played a match with the Guinea national team in the quarter-finals of the continental championship, which defeated Equatorial Guinea with a clean goal.

Mustafa Mohamed successfully executes the penalty kick and equalizes the score #Africa_Cup of Nations | #Egypt_Congo #TotalEnergiesAFCON2023

- beIN SPORTS (@beINSPORTS) January 28, 2024

Meshack Elia takes advantage of the poor state of the Egyptian national team's defense and scores the first goal for the Democratic Republic of Congo #Africa_Cup of Nations | #Egypt_Congo #TotalEnergiesAFCON2023

- beIN SPORTS (@beINSPORTS) January 28, 2024

The Congolese national team qualifies for the next round with a penalty kick scored by the Congolese goalkeeper!

- Amr (@bt3) January 28, 2024


With this penalty kick, Egypt leaves the African Cup

Muhammad Abu Jabal misses a penalty kick! #Egypt_Congo

- Nawaf Al-Asiasi 🇸🇦 (@football_ll55) January 28, 2024

Source: Agencies