Any sport, including figure skating, carries a risk of injury.

Most often, injuries to athletes occur during training, while learning new complex elements, but there are also incidents during competitions.

Such an accident occurred at the Moscow tournament “For the prizes of the FFKM President.”

During the short program, 14-year-old junior Maria Simonova, who performs in pair skating with Martin Breslavsky, was injured.

The partner did not hold the girl during support: the young man fell himself, and then dropped his head on the ice and the skater.

Despite the strong blow, the athlete was still able to finish the program, performing a sequence of steps, although it took her time to recover.

The duo even received a score of 42.51 points from the judges.

But Simonova was led off the ice by the arms, and she did not appear at all in the “kiss and edge” zone. 

Then it was officially announced that the couple would be withdrawn from the tournament.

As it turned out, the girl was urgently hospitalized.

According to some media reports, medical help was required because Maria was diagnosed with partial memory loss.

However, the skater’s coaches did not confirm this information.

“We will give a detailed answer later.

Now we are waiting to hear what the doctors say.

She is still traveling towards the hospital in an ambulance,” Sergei Roslyakov told Sport Express.

And Betina Popova turned to the media with a request to wait for the end of the examination.

“I now see a lot of false information that concerns my athletes.

Dear journalists, calm down and don’t write nonsense.

I will definitely provide the necessary information if required.

Thank you for worrying about us,” Popova wrote on her social networks.

The fall occurred in front of the famous coach Nina Moser.

According to her, a lump immediately formed on the head of the 14-year-old figure skater.

“She was taken away by ambulance.

Everyone is waiting for information after the examination about what exactly is wrong with her head.

The fall was very heavy and serious.

I saw this and was impressed by this fall.

Before her eyes, the lump on her head darkened.

But she finished the program, so there is no understanding of how serious the injury is.

Good girl, it’s a shame that this happened,” RIA Novosti quotes a specialist as saying.

At the same time, according to Moser, an ambulance team was present at the competition, so Simonova was immediately taken to the hospital without any delays.

X-rays did not reveal any serious consequences of the fall.

And Popova denied information about partial memory loss.

According to her, Simonova was only slightly disoriented.

“Masha is already joking with her partner, he is in touch with her and was very worried about her.

Now he is with us, in the hospital, and is waiting for Masha after the examination.

We saw news in the feeds about her memory loss - everything is fine with her memory.

He remembers his partner, he remembers his coach, he remembers the program, so everything is fine.

We are waiting for the results of further examinations to eliminate all risks,” Popova told TASS.

And Honored Coach of the USSR Tatyana Tarasova, having learned about the incident, wished Maria to return to the ice as quickly as possible.

“A speedy recovery,” the specialist said.

It should be noted that this is the second case of injuries to juniors at competitions.

During the team tournament at the Russian jumping championship, Elena Kostyleva received a hand injury. 

In the fifth round, she had to perform two difficult cascades, but the performance did not go well from the very beginning.

After the quad Salchow, the skater fell unsuccessfully on her hand and could not hold back her tears of pain.

The girl had to be given first aid - doctors froze the injury site and, most likely, advised her to skip the rest of the competition.

But Kostyleva decided not to let the team down and made another attempt to make the elephant jump.

Unfortunately, she also failed in the quadruple lutz.

At the same time, no additional examination was carried out.

According to the girl’s mother, Irina, she was only given ice.

“I hurt my elbow.

If there is a relapse tomorrow, we will go to a traumatologist,” said Kostyleva Sr.

And then coach Igor Lyutikov confirmed that the girl returned to training on the ice, avoiding serious injury.