Judge Francisco de Jorge's investigation into the case concludes that Luis Rubiales kissed Spanish attacking star Jennifer Hermoso on the mouth without consent.

The incident took place during the medal ceremony after Spain secured the World Cup gold at Stadium Australia in Sydney on August 20.

Rubiales is accused of sexual assault and unlawful coercion, as he is also suspected of trying to force Hermoso to publicly stand behind him after the incident.

The national team captain is also suspected

He himself has claimed that the kiss was mutual.

Nevertheless, he finally chose to resign in September as president of the Spanish Federation (RFEF).

At the same time, the International Football Association (Fifa) has banned him from all football activities for three years.

The judge also wants to put former confederation captain Jorge Vilda and two other people - the Spanish men's national team's sporting director Albert Luque and the RFEF's former marketing manager Rubén Rivera - on trial.

They are suspected of pressuring Hemoso to say that the kiss happened with the player's consent.

Jorge Vilda led Spain to a first women's World Cup gold in Australia and New Zealand this summer, but was then believed to have backed Rubiales following the allegations against the chairman.

Vilda was fired in the autumn after all the WC players announced that they no longer intend to play under him.

Risking prison

Jennifer Hermoso testified before Judge Francisco de Jorge in January.

The 33-year-old striker has been widely supported in his home country, and many hope the scandal will lead to a deal with sexism in Spanish football.

No trial date has been set.

If convicted, Rubiales faces up to four years in prison.