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Sven-Göran Eriksson as England coach in 2006

Photo: Patrick Seeger / dpa

Jürgen Klopp has invited Sven-Göran Eriksson to join Liverpool's coaching team for a day.

Eriksson, 75, says he suffers from incurable pancreatic cancer.

The former England national coach also said in an interview that he always particularly valued Liverpool FC and would have liked to become the club's coach.

Eriksson is warmly welcomed, said Klopp, according to consistent reports in the British media.

"He can sit in my seat in my office and do my job for a day if he wants," added Klopp: "That's no problem." Standing on the sidelines "could be a little more difficult," he added German coach of Liverpool FC.

But: “He can come over and spend a few nice hours here, I’m sure.”

Game with traditional team in prospect

Eriksson was asked on the TV show "Good Morning Britain" whether he knew that Liverpool fans were lobbying for him to coach a game with former players in March.

He didn't know that, said Eriksson.

He knew about the game and was invited to watch it through his son.

»But that I should be her trainer?

No, I never heard that,” said Eriksson and laughed.

He would accept if the club offered it to him: "That was always my dream."

Eriksson was coach of the English national team for around five years.

He was also coach of Manchester City and Leicester City in the Premier League.

The Swede's many positions included stints at AS Roma, AC Fiorentina, Benfica Lisbon, Sampdoria Genoa and Lazio Rome.
