Norwegian Magni Smedås won today's 55 kilometer long race "La Diagonela" in Ski Classics.

Compatriot Emilie Fleten was second and Finnish Kati Roivas third.

No Swede was close to challenging for a podium place.

Sofia Elebro was the best Swede in fifth place.

For Ida Dahl, it was probably a day she would rather forget.

She crossed the finish line eleven minutes and 44 seconds after victorious Smedås.

- It's skiing that is barely recognizable.

It cannot be understood with the capacity she normally has.

Maybe she is sick or if it could be something with the equipment, says SVT's expert Anders Blomquist.

Commentator Jacob Hård:

- It was strange to watch.

It has really been a dark day for Ida.