It was last week that Sven-Goran Eriksson said in an interview with Swedish Radio that he is seriously ill with cancer.

"At best, I have a year, at worst, a little less," he said during the conversation. An interview that has been widely spread globally and where "Svennis" has received many supportive calls and messages.

"There have been calls from many places. England, Italy, Sweden of course and even China. They are sorry and it is extremely beautiful what they say. Some of them I haven't heard from in ten years maybe, says Eriksson in an interview with SVT.

Probably would have said no

During the conversation with SVT, he talks about his illness, but also about football and Sweden's hunt for the next head coach of the men's national team.

"Svennis" believes that it is not good that the negotiation process with Olof Mellberg has been leaked in the media.

"It's unfortunate that something like that with Mellberg, that he turned it down, comes out. It's not good for the next candidate and how he feels like he wasn't number one," Eriksson said.

What would you do if you were asked, but knew you were second on the list?

"I would have said no, probably, I would think. Or maybe I should take the job anyway. But the fact that the negotiation process is coming out is not good.

"Not been good at all"

Sven-Goran Eriksson himself does not have a favourite that he wants to see take over from Janne Andersson.

"No, I have no idea. I would have had an answer to that if I could meet everyone (candidates). It's a big job.

What do you say about the job that awaits the person who takes over?

"The job is huge and there is a huge need to turn things right. For the past few years, the results have not been good at all. There are two major tournaments that Sweden has not qualified for, says Eriksson and continues:

"It's bad for the fans, it's bad for the players and it's very bad for the federation's finances. That's where the big money is, in a European Championship or World Cup.