Hear Calle Halfvarsson's confession in the player above.

It was on Boxing Day that the news came that four Swedish skiers, Calle Halfvarsson, Ebba Andersson, Moa Lundgren, Oskar Svensson, had tested positive for covid-19.

All of them are said to have been infected in Italy, where the national team is ahead of the Tour de Ski, which starts tomorrow Saturday.

The culprit for the spread of infection?

Calle Halfvarsson.

"I contracted it in Norway and then I got sick when I came down to Italy. Most likely, I was the carrier of the infection, he admits to SVT Sport.

How does it feel?

"It's the kind of thing you can't influence. I didn't know I was sick when I went down to Italy.

Ebba Andersson's pik to Halfvarsson

The couple Ebba Andersson and Gustaf Berglund lived in the room next to Halfvarsson, and Andersson and Moa Lundgren are said to have visited him on one occasion just to see how he lived.

"Ebba and Moa were right at the door to see what my room looked like and they got sick. If they got sick just peeking in at the door frame, that's unbelievable," he says, laughing lightly.

Ebba Andersson thanked Halfvarsson for the Christmas present.

"I'm pretty sure it was from him that I got it. I said "hey my covid buddy". But you shouldn't really joke about it. It hasn't been fun," she told SVT Sport.

Despite this, both Andersson and Halfvarsson have given the go-ahead to start the Tour de Ski. Lundgren and Svensson, on the other hand, have not done so.