When did you become an ambassador of the Russian Football Union, and what did you manage to achieve during this period?

— In September, it was one year since my first trip. A very valuable experience. This helped to open the eyes of me and other people to the problems that exist in each region. In 2023, we visited many cities and regions. I am sure that the Football at School project has already yielded a positive result and will bring many more benefits to children. Because on every trip I meet really talented and football-obsessed guys. And playing together with idols and the best representatives of domestic football increases the charge of motivation and inspiration for children. For me personally, the main achievement is the happy eyes and smiles of our future champions.

— What makes you most happy about such events?

"When I spend time with my kids, I get high. We play, talk, and are active. The happy eyes of a child are my main joy. And, of course, I like unforgettable trips to enterprises (smiles). After all, I worked at an oil refinery for two years. These are special memories, nostalgia.

— As part of the project, you visited Orsk. What is it remembered for?

— First of all, the hospitality provided. We were greeted perfectly, presented with canned food from the local meat processing plant, including horse meat (laughs). Of course, I remember the Orsk pies with liver. Very peculiar, but I liked them. And, of course, a tour of the city itself, a sculpture of a grandmother with these pies near the drama theater. I rubbed all the pies in her hands for good luck, they said it would work, I'm waiting (smiles).

— You also often visit orphanages. How did you come to this?

"Such children need support and help from adults. Some don't have parents. It is a great pleasure for me to charge them with positivity both during the game of football and in moments of communication. I think many of them will have these good memories in their memories, and for some of them they will really help them overcome the difficulties they faced at such an early age. That's why we go on these journeys, to help, not just kick the ball in front of the cameras. There is only one task – to develop children, to help and support them.

— Do you stay in touch with any of the guys?

"Yes, of course. Some of them exchanged contacts on social networks. They add me as a friend, I accept applications and periodically watch them play sports. And it doesn't have to be football. There are different ones. So I follow their lives and their achievements.

— If any of them turn to you personally for help, are you ready to respond?

"Of course. To the best of my ability, I always want to help children. And if you need to assist in reaching a new level in sports, I will definitely help. I think everyone should have at least one chance.

"I've heard that you don't leave prisoners without attention.

"I think it's no less important. People are serving their sentences in penal colonies. Yes, they made a mistake in life. But, I repeat, everyone should have a chance, including for rehabilitation in society. By visiting places like this, I show them that sport is a great opportunity to get on the right track. When you train, bright thoughts always appear in your head. This can be seen even in the inmates themselves during the games. They radiate happiness. You can't just go out there and kick the ball around. And here come professional football players. And these people give their all on the field. I plan to continue such trips.

"Do people there understand who is in front of them?"

"Yes, surprisingly, they recognize me.

— What are the most frequently asked questions?

"It's like being free. That's what they ask. They really want to return home.

"Now let's talk about your path. Unexpectedly for everyone, you decided to leave beach soccer and return to the big one. What made you make such a change in your life?

"In the beach school, I achieved all the goals and objectives that I set for myself. It all happened in 2021, and it was a crazy year. I knew it would be the pinnacle of my career. I was preparing in advance. First, he won the home World Cup. And after that, he was in excellent physical and psychological shape. This helped to win all subsequent tournaments and win many individual awards at the same time. By the end of the year, I realized that it was time to move towards new goals.

- Why did you become a functionary, and not a coach?

I feel that I can be more useful to Russian football as a functionary.

In any case, you could have worked in a new capacity in beach soccer, but you chose a big one.

"We're already world champions in the beach sport and we've won everything we can win. Obviously, there are a lot of difficulties there, but I want Russia to achieve the same success in classic football and that's why I chose it. I am aware of the fact that it is very difficult. But I'm not going to stop.

- Alexei Smertin is convinced that the national team is capable of becoming the world champion. Maybe it's not so bad?

- I completely agree with him and do not understand the people who criticized Smertin and laughed at this statement. A lot of hate fell on Alexei, including from famous people. And I support him. Anything is possible. Obviously, the path for the World Cup gold can be extremely long, but the road will be mastered by the walker. Victories at the world championships in beach soccer, reaching the final of the World Cup in futsal are a confirmation of our words and faith in domestic football.

"But the two types of situations are different.

"In terms of infrastructure in the beach industry, we are far behind our competitors. Nevertheless, the Russian national team systematically beats the Brazilians, who have the opportunity to train on the sand every day. We have only two large venues where active classes take place: the S.S.S.R. arena in Khimki and the Dynamite arena in St. Petersburg. But we are superior to Brazil, and to the rest of the rivals as well. Classic football in Russia has everything you need to win, in terms of infrastructure and finances, for sure.

"Then it's not clear why you managed to climb to the top in the beach one, but not in the big one. Maybe these are different species after all?

— There are nuances. Still, we have more similarities than differences. Here's the goal, here's the ball. The goal is to send him to the net and win.

Former goalkeeper of the Russian national team Alexander Filimonov would disagree with you. He's been able to prove himself in both, but he's convinced that they're completely different things.

"Everyone has their own opinion, and I respect it, but I don't think so.

— How much do salaries differ?


"Maybe it's motivation that's the problem?" It turns out that in the beach market, players think more about the prestige of the country, and not about money.

It's a difficult question, but people there definitely think only about victories. For me personally, money has never played a major role in my professional sports career. We didn't earn them much (laughs).

Were there any players among your teammates who worked in other areas at the same time?

"I had enough to live on, but not for any luxury. One of my teammates repaired garage roofs when he was a national team footballer. And I worked at an oil refinery when I played for Podvodnik Yaroslavl.

How can we move to the same philosophy in big football in the country?

- Proper education on the part of parents and coaches should be laid. Plus the work of psychologists. And it should begin in adolescence. Conduct financial literacy classes in academies. To cite as an example players who have lost huge amounts of money and have literally drowned in it, forgetting about their careers. Like, for example, Denis Davydov, whom Leonid Fedun called the Russian Messi. And where is he now? It's a pity, because he is a very talented athlete. And, unfortunately, there are many of them.

"But not everything is all right with the mentors in the country. They are often distrusted, and some have no motivation to work.

"Children's coaches need to raise salaries, develop a motivation system, and stimulate them so that they don't have to think about part-time work. They should focus only on children and their development. In my opinion, this is a very important point. It's all about the staff. Everywhere.

— If you achieve all your goals in a new field, will you conquer other horizons?

"Right now, I'm fully focused on my current goal. I don't think about anything else. In order to get closer to achieving it, he entered the FUR Academy for a pilot training program "Football Management". I deepen my knowledge of sports management in the field of football. Time will tell what will happen next and how it will happen (smiles).