Charlie Dalin is still at the top of the official ranking.



After 73 days of racing, very smart who can say who will win this 2020 edition of the Vendée Globe.

If Dalin and Burton are still in the lead, no less than nine skippers are standing in less than 350 miles!

We take stock on this Wednesday, January 20.

Classification at 9 o'clock

1. Charlie Dalin (


), 2467 miles from the finish

2. Louis Burton (

Bureau Vallée 2

), 119 miles from the leader

3. Thomas




), 125 miles from the leader

4. Boris Hermann (

Seaexplorer - Yacht Club de Monaco

), 132 miles from the leader

5. Damien Seguin (


), 178 miles behind the leader

A classification in trompe l'oeil

As you can see above, Charlie Dalin is still in the lead of the race with, at the last score, a 120 nautical mile lead over the revenant Louis Burton.

This is for the official classification.

Because in reality it seems that it is the skipper

Bureau Vallée

who is leading the way.

Asked by our colleagues from

Ouest France

, Yoann Richomme, double winner of the Solitaire and winner of the Route du Rhum 2018, deciphers this subtlety.

“We all have the impression on the map that

Bureau Vallée

is in the lead, but in fact, the ranking says, in this case, that it's Charlie Dalin.

Obviously, it's weird.

it must be explained that the leading group will have to make a detour to return, and this detour sends them into the middle of the Atlantic before turning the turn signal to the right towards Europe.

The best is therefore to look at who is furthest north to get a real idea of ​​the ranking, and not to rely on the East-West gap, ”he detailed.

From there, for him there is no doubt that the real leader at the present time is Louis Burton.

Rouillard puts his feet in the dish

The LinkedOut


opened the debate Tuesday evening during a telephone interview with

20 Minutes


He wonders about the relevance of maintaining the bonuses of the three sailors who came to the aid of Kévin Escoffier at the start of the adventure.

In question, a particular weather which has many times allowed large regroupings of boats.

“I know that the race management is discussing it,” the skipper explained to us.

It would seem quite logical to me for there to be a tie.

That the sailor recovers the same classification as another if necessary, but that he does not take the place of another on arrival.

In view of the race we had, with a lot of weather reunions, that would make sense.


A boost ahead for the leading sailors

Now that all the skippers are done with the Doldrums, this tricky zone of inter-tropical convergence where the winds (when there are any) are very complicated to apprehend, the fleet should quickly pick up the pace.

Indeed, the trade winds of the northern hemisphere should now push all these beautiful people to speeds exceeding 20 knots.

The fold is coming soon.


Vendée Globe: Are the bonuses called into question?

"A tie would seem logical to me", considers Rettant


Vendée Globe: From Macquarie to the Atlantic, "the rather crazy story" of the 1,000 miles sailed by Louis Burton

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