Al Wasl keeper denies receiving an offer from Al Ain

Al-Wasl goalkeeper Sultan Al-Mandhari denied receiving an offer from Al-Ain club, assuring to "Emirates Today": "Frankly, I have no knowledge of an offer from Al Ain club to sign with me."

"I am already in the six-month period for my contract with Al Wasl Club, and the Al Wasl football company has made a new offer to renew my contract with the team," Al-Mandhari said, adding, "I expect that the coming days will witness a positive step and that the contract will be renewed, especially as I feel happy. In Al-Wasl, my focus at the present time is to participate mainly with the team and to show a good level, in addition to improving the team’s results in the second round of the league, and for the team to occupy a position befitting its name and history.

More details in the newspaper issue tomorrow

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