On July 23, the Tokyo Olympics should start a year late.

But the health situation linked to the coronavirus continues to deteriorate in the Japanese archipelago and even compromises the organization of the event. 

In less than 200 days, on July 23 to be exact, the Tokyo Olympic Games should begin one year late due to the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, the conditional is more than ever in order, despite the proactive discourse of the Japanese authorities.

Because the health situation is deteriorating and compromises the preparation of the event. 

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And it's a $ 13 billion question: will the most expensive Summer Games in history be held?

In the Japanese archipelago, the time has come for a state of health emergency, the one that could for the second time paralyze the capital Tokyo and its metropolis, as the Japanese Prime Minister announced on Monday in the face of the resurgence of contaminations at Covid-19.

A quarter of Japanese people in favor of maintaining the Games

Less than seven months before the opening ceremony, only 20% of the athletes have been selected.

The others still have to earn their place and for that you have to train, then organize competitions.

This is impossible in times of restrictions.

A real headache then.

Especially since the Japanese are more and more reluctant: barely a quarter of them remain in favor of maintaining the Games.

The prospect of having to welcome thousands of athletes, journalists and spectators from all over the world in the midst of a pandemic frightens more than one.

The health challenge is indeed considerable, since the Games must bring together 11,000 athletes from 206 countries, accompanied by at least 5,000 officials and coaches, 20,000 media representatives and 60,000 volunteers, with a number of competitions in closed rooms.


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A unique atmosphere

In early December, the organizers also detailed the measures envisaged, including the wearing of masks and the ban on shouting for spectators, while the athletes will be regularly tested and their contacts will be limited.

But additional health measures would push up an already very heavy addition by three billion. 

The atmosphere of the Games promises to be unique, while the biggest peaceful gathering in the world is not just a sporting event.

Last, but not least, the benefits of the Games in terms of image for Japan.

That of a popular festival, noisy and colorful, is now very hypothetical given the context.

What to haunt the nights of the organizers.