Takakeishō Mitsunobu, the winner of the sumo wrestler, "concentrates" in the heavy responsibility of the only signboard wrestler November 23, 4:04

Takakeishō Ozeki won his second victory at Sumo Wrestling in November.

Takakeishō has taken a big step toward his goal of promoting Yokozuna.

"I will concentrate."

I don't know how many times Takakeishō of the place has repeated the word.

The heavy responsibility of Ozeki alone and the heavy burden of fighting for the championship, while facing everything, the concentration of looking only at the ring in front of me brought the gift for the first time in two years.

In November, the number of spectators was doubled to about 5,000, but both Yokozuna, Asanoyama of Ozeki, and even Masayo of Shin-Ozeki were closed early, disappointing the fans. I did.

Even in such a situation, Takakeishō, who remained the only signboard wrestler, did not take any notice.

"It doesn't make sense to care about people. I'm just thinking about taking my own sumo."

What Takakeishō showed on the ring was "my sumo" itself.

Push from a low hit and just move forward.

If the other party tries to push it back, there is a strong pity.

He piled up white stars in a push sumo wrestling with no chance of wearing it.

Former yokozuna Hokutoumi, who himself stood at the top of the horny world in push sumo, and the chairman of the Japan Sumo Association, Hokutoumi, point out that "it is very difficult to win stably in push sumo."

In order to accumulate white stars in push sumo, it is essential to have the courage to move forward at once.

If you have any "confusion", your legs will not come out and you will not be able to step on.

Furthermore, once the rhythm breaks down, you may lose in a row.

"It would be nice if all the opponents came decently, but sometimes they couldn't hit it decently. Still, you need to be able to concentrate on your own sumo wrestling," says Mr. Hachikaku.

Takakeishō also spoke the same words repeatedly after his daily efforts.

"I just wanted

to concentrate.


"I concentrate on my sumo."

It's simple, but it seems that Takakeishō himself understands how important it is.

There was an effort to see "confusion" in such a precious scenic spot.

On the 9th day, the most popular sumo wrestler in the flat curtain, with Shosaru who moves like Shikona.

I was a little cautious because I was wary of the other party's presence, and I couldn't take the plunge and lost.

Takakeishō just said, "I have nothing to say, because I can only concentrate on tomorrow."

As the word says, he never lost his concentration and piled up white stars again.

Chairman Hachikaku praised Takakeishō, who was pulling the place without losing in a row, saying, "I do not only exert power when it is good, but also when it is bad. This mental power is excellent."

Takakeishō who showed a push sumo wrestling without any hesitation in the championship deciding match of Chiakiraku.

Immediately after deciding to win, he changed his facial expression and seemed to hold back his tears.

Takakeishō couldn't have felt pressured by the responsibility of one person, Ozeki's first victory, and the voices of those around him.

Faced with all those voices and the situation in which he was placed, his expression on the ring showed how difficult it was to just keep "focusing" on the ring in front of him.

The first place next year will be the place of "Tsunatori".

Takakeisho said, "I've been wanting to be stronger every day since elementary school, so I'd like to continue to do my best and face myself."

Takakeishō has continued on the simple and difficult path of "just focusing".

It is the accumulation of these days that leads to the big dream of yokozuna.