De Bruyne wants to extend his contract with Manchester City

Belgium and Manchester City playmaker Kevin De Bruyne revealed that he had entered into negotiations to renew his contract with his club, confirming his desire to remain in his ranks.

De Bruyne (29 years) said in statements to the Belgian network VTM News, "We have started negotiations and I am doing this personally, but they are not advanced at the present time."

The player, who is considered one of the main pillars of the Premier League winning team in 2018 and 2019, added: "I would like to stay in the club's ranks and therefore it is easy ... If I did not want to stay, I would ask a mediator to negotiate, but when you want to stay, it is not difficult."

De Bruyne joined City from Wolfsburg in 2015 and has a contract with his team, which has played 232 matches in various competitions, until 2023.

Rumors spread last year when Manchester City were excluded from continental participation for two years due to violating the rules of financial fair play that De Bruyne was considering leaving, but their successful appeal dispelled all his concerns.

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