Brynäs is tough in the SDHL.

The table runner-up has scraped together twelve victories in 14 matches and has one point up to league-leading Luleå and a gap of eight down to third Linköping.

But in the last seven matches, the team has missed its team captain Erika Grahm, who suffered a concussion in early October.

Approaching comeback

Now the 29-year-old has come a long way on the so-called brain ladder, which has six different steps, where the first means that the brain must rest from everything, including reading, television and computer.

The fifth step is training with body contact.

And there is Grahm now - a comeback may be near. 

- I start training on ice again and we will see when it's time for the match.

I take it day by day, says Grahm to SVT Sport.

"Not been optimal"

Alongside the ice, Erika Grahm is also sports director for Brynäs' SDHL team, and with a concussion it has not been easy to perform her office tasks.

- It has not been optimal to have the responsibility I have and to work at the same time as a concussion, but it is important not to work too much.

It's a whole.

In the beginning, it was hardly a job.

Since then, I have also been able to work from home and get help from my surroundings, she says.

In her seven matches so far, Erika Grahm has accounted for four goals and one assist.

Brynäs plays against HV71 on Saturday.

KLIPP: Brynäs took the twelfth victory - beat Modo with the challenge (October 30, 2020)

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Brynäs got to cheer after victory against Modo with 2-1.

Photo: TT