• Tragedy: rider Matheus Barbosa dies after a Superbike accident



Brazilian driver

Tunico Maciel

, who was proclaimed national champion of Cross-Country Rally last Friday, died this Monday as a result of an accident that he suffered on Saturday and a day after the death in Sao Paulo of Matheus Barbosa, of the Superbike category.

"Tunico was hospitalized since Saturday in Sao Luis - capital of the state of Maranhao (northeast) - after the accident suffered during the Rally dos Sertoes 2020 and on Monday morning, unfortunately, he did not survive the injuries," he said the Honda Racing Rally team.

Maciel's death occurred one day after that of Matheus Barbosa, 23, who suffered an accident at the Interlagos circuit in Sao Paulo during the fifth round of the national Superbike championship.

In recent years, other Brazilian Superbike riders, such as

Sergio dos Santos, Rogerio Munuera, Danilo Berto and Mauricio Paludet

, have died in similar accidents that led sports authorities to implement new safety measures on the tracks.

The Brazilian Motorcycling Confederation (CBM) issued a statement on Monday in which it lamented the death of the young athletes and stressed that both "made the sport much bigger, more technical and more competitive with their countless presentations."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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