Promote sports culture and belonging by launching information campaigns

The Committee to Follow Up the Implementation of the Initiatives of the President of the State signs a sponsorship agreement with the "Association of Professionals"

Abdullah Al-Junaibi and Rashid Al-Amiri during the signing of the agreement.

■ from the source

The committee to follow up on the implementation of the “initiatives of His Highness the President of the State” signed a sponsorship contract with the Emirati Professionals Association, in a move aimed at launching media campaigns to promote culture, sport and sporting belonging in particular, as well as participating in national events and initiatives that attract the masses, and work alongside clubs to develop services Provided to the fans in the stadiums.

It also seeks to distribute incentive prizes in the various competitions of the League, and the sponsorship agreement emphasized the importance of strengthening the role of community clubs through targeted initiatives, organizing communication platforms with the masses, and working alongside schools and universities to consolidate the foundations of sports culture and sports belonging, in addition to launching electronic periodicals to attract groups Interested.

The agreement was signed by the Chairman of the Technical Committee for the Initiatives of His Highness the President of the State, Rashid Saeed Al Ameri, on behalf of the Director General of the Diwan of His Highness the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the Committee, Jaber Mohammed Al Suwaidi, and the President of the Professional Association, Abdullah Nasser Al Junaibi, and the announcement of the sponsorship came at the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding between The two sides were held, the day before yesterday, at the Emirates Palace Hotel in the capital, Abu Dhabi.

The sponsorship agreement between the two parties is in line with the strategic plan of the committee to follow up the implementation of the initiatives of His Highness the President of the State, which seeks to support the joint efforts of sports institutions in the country, and the strategy of the UAE Professional League, aimed at developing the local community through the sport of football.

Agreement Objectives:

■ Participation in national events and initiatives that attract the masses.

Distributing motivational prizes in the various competitions of the Association.

■ Strengthening the role of social clubs through targeted initiatives.

■ Organizing communication platforms with the masses.

■ Work alongside schools and universities, to consolidate the foundations of sports culture and sports belonging.

■ Launching electronic periodicals to attract interested groups.

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