Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Thursday, he is interested in a useful consumer invention.

This is a shelf that directly orders missing products.

The innovation of the day should appeal to those who fear running out of packs of water, rice or toilet paper.

We invented a shelf that orders products on its own as soon as we start to run out.

Small traders will not be happy but we must admit that it is practical.

First of all, it's not really a shelf.

Rather a kind of carpet that you put on the shelf and on which you will then stack your products: diapers, coffee capsules, milk packs, litter ... whatever you want.

It is then a mat connected to wifi, equipped with sensors that will weigh everything that is placed on it.

And as soon as the weight drops below a certain threshold, you will be sent an alert on your phone, telling you: "be careful, you will soon run out of toilet paper" for example.

It can even order automatically on the internet, the right reference to replenish your stock.

Can we put different products on the same carpet?

No, that's the limit.

He is not able to recognize individual products.

Just the weight of the whole.

This is why the rug is available in several sizes: 17, 30 and 45 centimeters.

This means that you have to organize your shelves properly by grouping together, on the same carpet, all the products of the same reference.

This technology is not new.

But until now, it was sold exclusively to professionals.

It allows them to automate their restocking and inventory management.

The novelty is that it is now available for the general public.

Amazon is starting, for example, to offer it to all stressed individuals who want to fill their shelves automatically.

It's called Dash Smart Shelves.