Gueye expelled during Leipzig-PSG, November 4, 2020. -


A formidable teamwork which deserves to be commended at its fair value.

Thanks to a full box this week, a first since 2011, French football continues to look good in the Champions League.

Of course, OM and its abysmal nullity in the competition, 12 losses in a row, has a lot to do with it, of course, Rennes is a novice who has not always been favored by arbitration, of course, PSG has a suitcase of wounded, but all the same.

3 - This is the first time that the 3 French representatives in the Champions League (Marseille, Rennes, Paris) have lost in the same week since October 2011 (Lille, Lyon, Marseille).


- OptaJean (@OptaJean) November 4, 2020

With 4 points out of 27 possible, our three representatives are doing less well than FC Porto alone, and we do not prefer to talk to you about the comparison with the Premier League clubs, almost authors of a full box.

We will also ignore the number of goals scored by OM and Rennes (only one, from the penalty spot), which ranks us at the same level as the Swedish club Midtjylland.

🇫🇷 French clubs after three C1 matches: 4 pts out of 27 possible, 5 goals scored

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 English clubs after three C1 matches: 31 pts out of 36 possible, 32 goals scored https: // t .co / e2BeoJgW6I

- RMC Sport (@RMCsport) November 5, 2020

In short, this start of the loss would almost give the desire to give a place for life to the OL of Jean-Michel Aulas, but perhaps the future superleague will take care of it itself.

Now hoping that Lille will comfort us a little against AC Milan on Thursday night, but it is not won.


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