Tobias Foss thinks that his stable Jumbo-Visma was right to withdraw from the Giro d'Italia when teammate Steven Kruijswijk tested positive for covid-19.

- I agree with the decision.

It was well thought out and responsible action.

I am proud of the team and support the decision, he says.

The 23-year-old Norwegian is making his first season as a professional skier for the Dutch team, and he was in Italy to help the stable's big star Steven Kruijswijk who has now become infected.

Lack of action

Tobias Foss and his teammates were surprised by the lack of infection control measures, especially the difference from how it worked during the Tour de France.

- Those who have ridden the Tour de France say that there is a big difference in safety, he says to NRK.

In the dining room sat three teams and all the police cards and they were not separated.

He thinks it was absolutely right that the team withdrew from the competition.

- We live so close to each other.

When a fall occurs, the probability is high that it will spread quite quickly.

CLIP: Covid slap against Giro d'Italia - two stables pull out

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Steven Kruijswijk during the Tour de France last month.

Photo: TT