Le Tallec received Russian citizenship

French footballer Damien Le Tallec announced the receipt of Russian citizenship.

According to the athlete, he is happy to become a "citizen of a great country."

The 30-year-old midfielder is married to Miss Mordovia 2008 Kristina (nee Shindyasova).

Since 2018, the midfielder has been playing for Ligue 1 club Montpellier, but often visits Moscow.

In an interview, Le Tallec admitted that he loves Russia, the culture of the country and its mentality.

He also does not mind playing for the national team.

Experts, however, believe that Le Tallec does not have such a right, since he played for the youth and youth teams at home.

So Stanislav Cherchesov cannot count on an unexpected increase.

“It is too early to talk about playing for the national team, as there are indeed difficulties.

At the moment, lawyers are working on the nuances of this procedure.

If Damien has the opportunity to play for the national team, he will agree - he has been following all the games of our national team and the Premier League in general for many years, ”said Christina Le Tallec.

In 2011, the Frenchman became the champion of Germany with Borussia Dortmund, even though he played only a few matches for her.

Then in his career there were Uzhgorod "Goverla" and Saransk "Mordovia", as well as Belgrade "Crvena Zvezda".

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Post by Le Tallec Damien (@ damien.le.tallec) Oct 8, 2020 10:26 am PDT

Slutsky announced the construction of the stadium with his own money

The head coach of Rubin Kazan, Leonid Slutsky, has begun building a stadium in his native Volgograd.

The specialist received the land and implements the project with his own money.

To cover all aspects of the construction site in real time, the mentor launched his own YouTube channel, giving it the name Servant of Football.

In one of the first videos, he urged everyone to join his initiative.

The coach also noted that he is building an arena for Volgograd boys and expects that hundreds or even thousands of young football fans will be able to practice at the new facility.

Among them there may be future stars of national and world football, the expert believes.

“People like Artyom Dzyuba.

Or better, ”Slutsky added.

In the meantime, in the live broadcast of the channel, you can only see the wasteland, where it is planned to begin excavation work.

The stadium will become part of the infrastructure of the Leonid Slutsky Football School.

“Our team has already decided on the general contractor, technical customer, and design organization.

In the near future, work will begin on the planning of the land plot ”, - stated in the description.

Salah helps a homeless man, O'Sullivan supports breast cancer patients

Liverpool striker Mohammed Salah came to the aid of a homeless man, David Craig, who was being bullied by juvenile bullies.

The incident took place at the end of September, but it became known about it only in October.

Returning from the match against London "Arsenal", the Egyptian stopped at one of the gas stations.

At this point, teenagers nearby insulted Craig.

Salah drove them away, then withdrew money from an ATM and handed the homeless £ 100.

“I was finally convinced that I hadn’t seen it when Mo gave me the bill.

A true legend, ”said Craig.

The man also added that the hooligans insulted him and asked why he was begging and could not find a job.

To this, Salah told the guys that in a few years they too might find themselves in the place of a homeless person.

Mo Salah saved homeless man being harassed by yobs - then gave him £ 100 https://t.co/omUEnL2c8x

- The Sun Football ⚽ (@TheSunFootball) October 6, 2020

In turn, the six-time world snooker champion Ronnie O'Sullivan supported a charitable foundation that raises funds to fight breast cancer.

For this, he painted his nails pink and went to the game of the rating tournament.

It turned out well: O'Sullivan won his first win of the season.

Let's nail breast cancer @futuredreamss.

I'll be getting my pink nails out tonight in support of Breast cancer.

Please donate £ 5 if you can text LNBC5 to 70500 who is going to join me?


- Ronnie O'Sullivan (@ ronnieo147) October 12, 2020

Isinbayeva was criticized for the low marks of Buzova in the "Ice Age"

The renowned athlete Elena Isinbayeva was severely criticized for her work on the jury of the famous Ice Age television project.

After filming the first issue of the new season, the two-time Olympic champion promised to abstract from personal sympathies and judge objectively.

However, after the air of the second edition of the show, viewers accused her of underestimating the duets of Regina Todorenko - Roman Kostomarov and Olga Buzova - Dmitry Solovyov.

The fans were especially indignant about the low, in their opinion, points for the second of the listed couples, which by a large margin excelled in the audience voting.

One of the fans even turned to the producer of the "Ice Age" Ilya Averbukh on Instagram with a demand to remove Isinbayeva from the jury.

Averbukh, despite the dissatisfaction of the audience, refused to make changes to the jury.

Lokomotiv is outraged by Guilherme's bald head in FIFA 21

The developers of the football simulator FIFA 21 portrayed the goalkeeper of the Russian national team and Moscow Lokomotiv Marinato Guilherme with an impressive bald patch on his head, although in reality the 34-year-old athlete does not experience such problems.

In a distorted image of a football player, the railroad workers jokingly outraged on their Twitter, where they turned to the game developer: "Hey EA Sports, we need to talk."

Hey @EASPORTSFIFA we need to talk🤔 pic.twitter.com/DanWRYqq6p

- FC Lokomotiv Moscow (@fclokomotiv_eng) October 9, 2020

Apparently, similar difficulties arose not only for Guilherme.

For example, fans from England noticed that the Italian coach of Everton Liverpool Carlo Ancelotti was completely different from himself.

To some consolation Guilherme should get into the list of 1000 best players of the simulator, where, in addition to him, there were seven more Russians.

The best of them, Mario Fernandez, finished 229th.

Igor Akinfeev (361st) and Alexey Miranchuk (579th) also entered the top 3 among compatriots.

But the majority of the leading footballers of Russia this year "lost ground" in the simulator, having lost points in the rating system of the game.

The strongest regression was registered with Fyodor Smolov, who lost as many as four points.

Kafelnikova admitted that Moscow drives her into depression

The daughter of the former first racket of the world Yevgeny Kafelnikov, the famous model Alesya criticized Moscow.

According to the girl, the Russian capital drives her into depression.

“Moscow itself, as a city, makes me very depressed and kind of hopeless, so I try to leave there as soon as possible.

In this city I always want to spread rot and not love myself, ”the model admitted.

Kafelnikova regularly gets into various scandals.

In 2017, the media reported that the tennis player's daughter was in intensive care.

At that time, she was depressed against the background of parting with the famous rapper Pharaoh.

Also in an interview, the girl admitted that she had tried illegal substances when she lived in London.

According to her, she could not "get drunk" by the freedom that had fallen on her.

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Post by Alesya Kaf (@kafelnikova_a) Oct 11, 2020 3:24 am PDT