The Corona pandemic put an end to the qualifying game and therefore eight boys 'teams and eight girls' teams have now been produced based on a review of historical results from the last ten years.

The following districts participate in the girls' TV puck: Dalarna, Skåne, Småland, Stockholm, Södermanland, Västerbotten, Ångermanland, Östergötland.

On the boys' side, there are the following districts: Gästrikland, Gothenburg, Småland, Stockholm, Värmland, Västerbotten, Ångermanland, Östergötland.

- We have of course looked at different alternatives to be able to move the tournament, but to implement the TV puck, a holiday week is needed that falls out the same week all over the country.

The TV puck is also a 60-year tradition together with SVT and playing during the spring edge means that the tournament clashes with, for example, world cups and season ends of other winter sports and our own SM finals, says the ice hockey association's competition manager Olof Östblom in a press release.

Efforts have been made to ensure safe environments for all participants and will have double changing rooms, separate entrances and medical check-ups.

- It feels gratifying that we can carry out the tournament in an infectious way to create a safe environment for players, team leaders and officials.

We have also had to deal with a very different situation and season as we have not been able to carry out a qualifying game and we have great respect and full understanding that it will be a special situation for all participating districts and those who are not given the opportunity to participate, says Östblom.