Due to the increased spread of infection, the government will not make exceptions and ease the restrictions.

- We understand and adapt to the current situation.

We are in the middle of a pandemic and to counteract the spread of infection must go first, says Björn Eriksson, chairman of the Swedish Sports Confederation.

An opportunity with 500 people in the audience that is now pushed forward is not a solution for orienteering, running competitions, cycling, triathlon, sailing, skiing, motorsport and more who compete on large areas where the distance between the active is very large.

- An exception is also needed for sports that train and compete on the road, water and in the forest.

It needs to be prepared by the government urgently so that these sports, when possible based on the state of infection, can have the opportunity to conduct competitions, says Björn Eriksson.

Need more financial support

That sport will be affected very negatively, mainly financially, is quite clear, and RF wants to see new financial support for 2021.

- Our work with scenario planning is ongoing and we will return to the government, says Björn Eriksson.