Mariners Yoshihisa Hirano 2 runs this season 4th save September 24th 13:51

Major League Baseball Mariners pitcher Yoshihisa Hirano pitched in the 9th inning with a 3-point lead against the Astros on the 23rd and lost 2 points, but made his fourth save this season.

Pitcher Hirano was the fourth pitcher in the ninth inning, leading 3-0 in a match against the Astros in his hometown of Seattle.

Pitcher Hirano invited a two-out second base and third base pinch with a walk and a two-base, and was hit by a two-point timely to make a one-point difference, and the pinch continued. I ran away and marked my fourth save this season.

Pitcher Hirano threw one shot, three hits, one strikeout and one walk, and two runs.