Alain Roche, former consultant on our antenna, now sports director of the Girondins de Bordeaux, was the guest of Europe 1 to discuss, among other things, the final of the Champions League between PSG and Bayern Munich.


"It makes me very happy that PSG is in the final, I cannot forget that I spent 17 years of my life at this club." Former emblematic player and member of the staff of PSG and now sports director of the Girondins de Bordeaux, Alain Roche was the guest of Europe 1, to discuss the final of the Champions League disputed Sunday evening by the club of the capital against the formidable Germans from Bayern Munich. "It is true that Bayern is scary", recognizes Alain Roche, "but the opponents are also afraid of the PSG team". 

>> READ ALSO - Final of the Champions League: a victory could bring the jackpot to PSG

"The shareholders (of PSG) have put a lot of money in the club and this final is the reward for this investment", analyzes the former central defender. For him, the club has taken on a new dimension since the arrival of the Qataris. Even the Parc des Princes "has totally changed, in a good way".

Since 2011, Qatar Sport Investments (QSI) has become the new owner of the Parisian club, bringing with it financial means never seen in the French football championship. And above all, QSI came with a goal: to put Paris on the roof of European football.

"A very nice promotion for France"

This project is on the way to materialize since the Parisians are only one game away from victory. A match to finally lift the cup with big ears, which would be "a very good promotion for France", assures Alain Roche. "It's the greatest pride we can have."

But what are the real chances of PSG of winning against Bayern Munich, rarely disappointing and already five times champion of the competition? “In a match, anything can happen,” optimizes the former Paris Saint-Germain player. "It is true that Bayern is scary", recognizes Alain Roche, "but the opponents are also afraid of the PSG team". "The attack is formidable and can score at any moment," he concludes.