Today, all 55 Secretaries General of UEFA's various affiliates met at a video conference. Subject: The audience's return to football.

According to a statement on the UEFA website, it was concluded that it will be too early to allow spectators in the international matches played in September (mainly the Nations League), and that it is necessary that one or a few test matches are needed to study how the audience and health records affect.

Neutral plan may be relevant

At the meeting, a proposal for a test match was also made: the Super Cup in Budapest, where the winner of the Champions League and Europa League meet.

The member countries will also have the opportunity to move matches to neutral ground, if the conditions in a country mean that a match risks not being able to be played.

What was said at today's meeting, however, is only a proposal. They will be presented to UEFA's executive committee in the next few days. They then make decisions.