IFK Skövde are mainly critical of the communication and consider themselves not involved in the decision about when the series start will take place, which Sveriges Radio was the first to report on.

- At a members' meeting in June, we perceived it as setting a goal to start the season. But do not nail how it would happen without us being sensitive to what is happening and happening.

To the Handball Channel, Swedish Elite Handball's CEO, Peter Gentzel, and Secretary General of the Swedish Handball Association Robert Wedberg respond to the criticism.

“Swedish Elite Handball has always been involved in the Competition Committee's work, which is our normal way of working in competition matters. The process within Swedish Elite Handball regarding the decision to start the series began at Swedish Elite Handball's digital membership meeting in June. ”

- This is where our opinions diverge. The union has a different goal and I do not say that we are right, but we should sort this out next time, says Andersson.

But is your position still that the season should be postponed if no audience is allowed?

- We think there are opportunities to shoot it so we get a live audience.

Can the situation change after the meeting on Friday?

- I do not know. Now it has been said that it should start and that is exactly what we think is a bit wrong, that it is so clearly said. We thought that the meeting would be about making a decision. There we think we have been overlooked.

SVT Sport has sought Peter Gentzel and Robert Wedberg.